SLD to be used for the discharge and transportation of a maximum flow of 150 cfs of drainage water to Mud Slough.   UA, p.2
  The SLD-MWA shall not use the SLD in any manner that will affect water levels in or cause drainage water to flow into the portions of the SLD south of Check 19 or for drainage from the Southern portion of the SLD to enter the GBP.   UA, p. 8
  The SLD-MWA shall be responsible for ensuring that only drainage water from the Drainage Area enters the SLD.   UA, p. 7
  No significant increases in flooding or impacts due to flooding within Mud Slough are anticipated as a result of SLD use.   FONSI, p. 4
  No increased erosion in Mud Slough is anticipated.   FONSI, p. 4
  The SLD-MWA agrees to the applicable loads included in Appendix A included in the consensus letter to the CVRWQCB dated November 3, 1995 and to the various sanctions for failing to meet them.   FONSI, p. 4
  It is the objective and intention of USBR and the SLD-MWA to ensure that use of the SLD does not result in degradation of water quality in the San Joaquin River relative to what would exist in the absence of the project.   UA, p. 2
  It is the objective and intention of USBR and the SLD-MWA to ensure that use of the SLD does not reduce the ability to meet the salinity standard at Vernalis compared to the ability...that would exist in the absence of the project.   UA, p. 2
  The project is expected to result in safe selenium concentrations (1-2 ppb) in approximately 93 miles of channels utilized for refuge and wetland water supplies.   FONSI, p. 3
  An increased frequency of exceeding objectives in Mud Slough over the no-project condition will be offset in virtually every case by a corresponding reduction in frequency in exceeding objectives in Salt Slough.   FONSI, p. 3
  The SLD-MWA shall be responsible for ensuring that (discharged) drainage water is controlled and monitored so that its quality and composition complies with all applicable federal, state and local standards, requirements, regulations and laws.   UA, pp 7-8
  (One of) the purpose(s) (of the project) is to gain a better understanding and quantification of selenium loading from the Grassland Basin.
  Supplemental EA, p. 5
  (Another of) the purpose(s) (of the project) is to gain a better understanding and quantification of in-transit selenium losses.   Supplemental EA, p.5

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  If USBR determines, based on available data and after consultation with the GBP OC and the SLD-MWA, that unacceptable adverse environmental effects have occurred due to the use of the SLD, USBR shall terminate this Agreement.   UA, p. 17
  It is believed that potential negative impacts in 6 miles of Mud Slough will be offset by potential positive water impacts in approximately 93 miles of other channels. On balance, significant impacts to fish and wildlife species are not anticipated.   FONSI, p. 3
  This project would isolate unusable agricultural drainage water within dedicated channels thereby increasing the operational flexibility and increasing the quantity of water potentially available for wetland management.   FONSI, p. 2
  The draining parties, in coordination with USBR will consult with the USFWS prior to engaging in any proposed operation and maintenance activities that have the potential to affect threatened or endangered species.
  FONSI, p. 8
  The draining parties will coordinate with the CDFG regarding the design and construction of retainer dikes or other measures to protect the China Island Unit from inflow of contaminated drainage waters.   Supplemental EA, p. 19
  The increase in flows from Mud Slough could attract migrating fish to the slough. If selenium concentrations in the slough increase this could result in chronic toxicity to these fish. A barrier is in place (CDFG) from October to the end of December during the migration of fall-run chinook to prevent fish from going further up the San Joaquin River.   Supplemental EA, p. 34
  Under normal operations, flows will be slow enough to not cause sediment movement.   FONSI, p. 6
  Any sediment movements or selenium migration will be detected by monitoring activities.
  FONSI, p. 7
  Sediments will be removed well before composite sediment selenium concentrations indicate hazardous materials values.
  FONSI, p. 7
  The commitment is to ensure that there are no significant adverse effects to public health.
  FONSI, p. 7
  The draining parties will provide financial or other assistance as necessary to USFWS and CDFG to ensure that there is adequate notification and enforcement of (fishing/collecting) prohibitions.

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  FONSI, p. 8


  A Presidential Executive Order and subsequential Departmental Policy requires that Federal agencies ensure that their actions do not disproportionately impact minority and disadvantaged populations or communities. This proposed action was determined to have no effect on these issues of concern.
  Supplemental EA, p. 36
  No impacts to historic resources are anticipated.
  FONSI, p. 3
  There would be no impacts to Indian Trust assets.
  FONSI, p. 4
  Should an (archaeological) find be made, work on the area of the find should be halted and the find evaluated by an archaeologist.
  Supplemental EA, p. 35
  Draining parties will work cooperatively with appropriate entities so that the timing of discharges does not interfere with downstream uses.
  FONSI, p. 8
  Use of the SLD is expected to lead to better understanding and identification of the most effective and cost efficient measures to attain water quality standards.
  Supplemental EA, p. 5
  The GBP is expected to lead to a determination regarding whether the use of a single regional drainage conveyance will facilitate drainage management and promote improved water quality in the San Joaquin River.
  Supplemental EA, p. 5
  Improved accuracy of selenium load estimation is expected to result from this action.
  Supplemental EA, p. 13
  Construction activities will have minimal impact to terrestrial plants and animals.
  FONSI, p. 3
  No significant impact to wildlife populations are anticipated from noise or human activity during construction.
  FONSI, p. 4