Photo credit: Stanford School of Earth Sciences
December 7, 2015 - 12:00am

On December 7th, SFEI hosted eminent Stanford Professor to address innovations that may help our State manage its dwindling groundwater supplies in the era of climate change. Rosemary Knight is a Professor of Geophysics and a Senior Fellow of the Stanford Woods Institute who talked to SFEI and invited resource managers about her work concerning remote sensing of groundwater, including electrical resistivity imagery, InSAR, and groundwater NMR, as well as the results of her most recent surveys. She related these new strides to SFEI's current and potential work.

The development of this work is especially critical with the passage of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (2014) and its implications for distributed monitoring and reporting of groundwater levels and condition. As water districts grapple with their new responsibilities, Professor Knight's work helps make possible a broader view never before possible.

Professor Knight is also a part of the Center for Groundwater Evaluation and Management GEM: which fosters interdisciplinary approaches to groundwater resource management. A recent article about her publication in Water Resources Research emphasizes the potential applications of her groundwater monitoring techniques.