January 25, 2017 - 9:30am to 12:30pm

The overarching goal of the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay (RMP) is to answer the highest priority scientific questions faced by managers of Bay water quality. Technical experts on legacy and emerging contaminants have suggested investigating alternate monitoring techniques that may provide a representative evaluation of contaminants in the Bay. In particular, quantitative interpretations of passive sampling data were identified as potentially useful. With this half-day webinar, we hope to educate scientists and stakeholders on alternate monitoring techniques to inform future study design.

  • Rob Burgess (USEPA): Sampling for Measuring Freely Dissolved Contaminant Concentrations: An Overview
  • Rainer Lohmann (University of Rhode Island): Passive Sampling of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in the Great Lakes and Around the World
  • Zach Cryder (on behalf of Jay Gan, UC Riverside): Development of Passive Samplers for Measuring Pyrethroids in Surface Water
  • Richard Luthy (and Yeo-Myoung Cho, Stanford University): Passive Sampling for Measuring Organic Contaminants in Water, Sediment Porewater, and Flux at the Sediment-Water Interface
  • Lee Ferguson (Duke University): Passive and Low-volume Sampling Strategies: Utility for Non-targeted Micropollutant Analysis in Aquatic Systems
  • Keith Maruya (SCCWRP): The Pros and Cons of Field vs. Lab Applications of Passive Sampling
  • Jamie Aderhold (Aqualytical Services): CLAM – Active Trace Organics Monitoring
  • Rolf Halden & Erin Driver (Arizona State University): In Situ Active Sampling Devices for Environmental Waters
Associated Staff: 
Programs and Focus Areas: 
Clean Water Program
Bay Regional Monitoring Program