Unlike the static Status and Trends program, the purpose of the pilot and special studies element is to provide a means to react quickly to emerging issues of concern or to evaluate new methods that may later be incorporated into Status and Trends. It allows the program to be flexible to adapt to new information or conversely new information needs.

In brief, the procedure includes the following steps:

  1. In the Fall, the SC reviews the Multi-Year Plan and agrees on priorities for special study ideas. 
  2. In the Spring, the appropriate RMP workgroup reviews a list of study ideas compiled throughout the year and selects several for further consideration based on the priorities developed by the SC. More detailed conceptual scopes of work are then prepared on these topics and reviewed by the TRC along with the Workgroups’ rankings and feedback.
  3. In June, the TRC establishes the relative priority of all of the pilot and special study concepts based on their technical merit and feedback from the Workgroups.
  4. In July, the SC decides which studies can be included in the next year's program.

The purpose of the study selection process is to

  • ensure that key studies are developed that address stakeholder and regulatory needs
  • get the studies through the workgroups and TRC to assure that the study ideas are technically sound and of high scientific merit
  • prioritize and evaluate the studies in light of the RMP's objectives and questions
  • provide a consistent set of criteria for decision making at each stage of the selection process.