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Bay Primed for Pea Soup?

Nutrients could be the next big problem for San Francisco Bay -- they’re already here at levels high enough 
to have caused trouble elsewhere.
 But despite its excess nitrogen and phosphorus, the Bay has been free of harmful algal blooms and oxygen-depleted dead zones for decades. Indeed, we’ve been so sure of this immunity to nutrients that most wastewater treatment plants don’t even have to remove them before discharging into the Bay. Recent chinks in the Bay’s resistance to nutrients are now alerting us, however, to get ready in case there’s worse to come. Read this latest story from the March 2014 issue of ESTUARY News magazine.

February 3, 2014 RMP EMAIL NEWS

1. SFEI-ASC Seeks to Fill Two Important Positions: Executive Director, Senior Project Manager

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated in helping spread the word about two openings at SFEI.

SFEI-ASC Executive Director: This is an exciting opportunity to lead the San Francisco Estuary Institute/Aquatic Science Center, a well-respected scientific organization whose opinion is sought out by decision-makers across the state. Under the general direction of, and working in partnership with, a Board of Directors, the Executive Director provides leadership, vision, and overall direction of staff, business and operations. The successful candidate will join a semi-academic work setting and lead a diverse group of environmental scientists and administrative support staff whose mission is to foster development of the scientific understanding needed to protect and enhance the San Francisco Estuary. More details are in the brochure. Filing date: Sunday, February 16, 2014.

Senior Project Manager: SFEI-ASC is seeking a Senior Project Manager to assist in the management of projects within the Clean Water Program, including the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay (Bay RMP), the Delta Regional Monitoring Program (Delta RMP), and the San Francisco Bay Nutrient Management Program. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated range and depth of skills in project management, conducting scientific investigations, or managing environmental stakeholder processes. This position will report directly to SFEI-ASC's Clean Water Program Directors (Drs. Jay Davis and David Senn) and is an integral part of the Clean Water team of senior scientists and managers. Position open until filled. More information.

2. New Interim Executive Director for SFEI-ASC

The SFEI-ASC Board has appointed Jim Kelly, former General Manager of the Contra Costa Sanitation District, to assume the role of Interim Executive Director. With over forty years of experience in environmental engineering and agency management, Mr. Kelly is a seasoned leader who will offer administrative, financial, and technical insights to shepherd SFEI-ASC through this transition period. More information.

3. PFCs in the News

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