Step 1)
Navigate to "Create Event"

Click the plus icon in the upper left corner. Then, click Create Content. The Create Content page appears. Click Events and Meetings.

Step 2)
Fill out these fields and pull-down menus

  • a. Title field:

    The text in this field is what will appear in the event calendar. Include brownbag title and presenter. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
    (ex. Brown Bag by Dr. Urs Jans on Chlordane in New York City Sediments)
  • b. Date pull-down:

    Enter the date of the brown bag

  • c.Body field:

    Ensure that the Show summary in full view check box is checked.

    Copy and paste the following into the Body field, then fill out the information.

    Presentation Title

    type title here


    type presenter name here


    type location here

    Include a short blurb about the brown bag here.

    Here is an example with content

    Presentation Title

    Chlordane in New York City Sediments


    Dr. Urs Jans, City College of New York


    SFEI, 1st floor conference room

    Chlordane concentrations in recently collected surficial sediments (ten sites) and sediment cores (four sites) in Long Island Sound (LIS) were determined. The highest chlordane concentrations were observed in western LIS. The chlordane concentrations did not decrease significantly in the past decade when compared to the data collected in 1996. Chlordane concentrations in two of the four sediment cores showed a peak below the sediment surface. The lack of a chlordane concentration maximum below the sediment surface in the other two cores, coupled with the lack of a well-defined 137Cs peak, indicated significant sediment mixing. Simulations of 137Cs and 210Pb profiles in sediment cores with a sediment mixing model confirmed the occurrence of both sedimentation and...